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Using Window Furnishings to Minimise Your Carbon Footprint

Interior Blinds

Using Window Furnishings to Minimise Your Carbon Footprint

At Stan Bond we believe that Earth Day, April 22, is a great opportunity to further build a healthy, sustainable environment, to tackle climate change and to protect future generations.

We advocate the use of evidence-based knowledge to reduce environmental outputs. Our screen and shade solutions will not only improve the aesthetic of your home, it will also help you reduce your carbon footprint and reduce your energy expenditure all year round.

Interior Blinds:

To reduce solar heat gain while maintaining desired light and ventilation, our range of Indoor Blinds are an excellent energy efficient option.

A great example of Interior Blinds that will lower your carbon footprint are our Honeycomb Cellular Blinds. Their pleated design creates two barriers of air pockets between the window and the interior space, working as a form of insulation.

To maximize this insulation effect, we recommend installing interior blinds to windows that face South and West.

Exterior Blinds and Awnings:

By blocking the sun before it has a chance to get into the house, Outdoor Blinds and Awnings are, in some cases, your most energy-efficient option.

Our Aluminium Roller Shutters, for example, can prevent up to 70% of the heat entering the home, while also retaining heat throughout winter.

At Stan Bond, we have a broad range of Exterior Blinds and Awnings to suit any aesthetic and minimise your carbon footprint.

Window Film:

Often overlooked as an energy efficient option, Window Film is as unobtrusive as it is effective.

Our world-leading range of 3M Climate Control Window Films will block up to 80% of heat-producing infrared rays entering your home. This significantly reduces the workload of your air-conditioner – saving you money and minimising your outputs.

Ultimately, by installing appropriate window furnishings in your home, you will more effectively keep the heat out through summer and during winter.

To see which shading options work best for you, visit our Campbelltown Display Centre on Lower North East Road. Our staff would love to speak to you about minimizing your carbon footprint and reducing your energy bills.

And finally, this Earth Day, we ask you to take a moment to think about what you can do to reduce your environmental footprint and improve the world for future generations. Remember, every little bit goes a long way.

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